Saturday, September 02, 2006

Order of Web 2.0 Introduction

This is the order in which I'd like to introduce the students to the social software:
  1. Firefox--done at home, with brief explanation on class blog, use Mozilla pages for explanation.
  2. Wetpaint Wiki--done at home, with brief explanation on class blog, use Wetpaint pages for their practice
  3. Bloglines/ done in E200, others introduced in same class but done at home, use and Diigo pages for explanation
      • introduced later in the course, when I begin talking about ISU
ThinkFree will be introduced when I teach Excel--i.e. I will ask them to go to the class blog, and click on link which takes them to my ThinkFree docs with the Excel lesson.

Tree Diagram generator, flickr, flickrtoys, Bubbleshare--introduced if and when needed.

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